周二,美国地方法院法官伯劳斯宣布,撤回7月6日颁布的一项关于国际学生的新政。这场因留学生新政与特朗普政府的“对峙”,以美国高校的胜利告终。 在听证会上,双方达成一致协议,此次涉及的 "政策指令和其常见问题都不会在任何地方执行",允许国际学生完全通过网络学习,并持学生签证合法留在美国。 In a stunning reversal of policy, the Trump administration on Tuesday abandoned a plan that would have forced out tens of thousands of foreign students following widespread condemnation of the move and pressure from colleges and major businesses after a settlement was reached between the government and universities. 此前,特朗普政府规定,入读秋季仅提供网课学校的国际学生将无法取得美国签证,更有被要求离境的风险。 然而,该政策颁布不到一周就遭遇上百所学校和多个州的强烈反对。哈佛大学更联合麻省理工学院,率先把美国国土安全部、移民与海关执法局告上法庭。据悉,今年秋季哈佛大学几乎所有课程都是线上,麻省理工学院则将采用线上+线下的混合模式。 此外,至少有18个州提起单独的诉讼,请求联邦法院叫停签证新规。 诉讼指出,美国政府在国家紧急状态声明尚未撤销,部分地区确诊病例激增的情况下,采取“残酷、唐突和非法行动,在疫情期间驱逐国际学生”,违反了行政程序法。牵头提起诉讼的马萨诸塞州检察长希利认为,新规让留学生被迫在学生身份和个人安全中做选择,但却无法给出合理解释。 诉讼获得多个高校力挺。不少学校表示,在各州政府因疫情缩减学校拨款的背景下,新政对留学生的限制措施将对学校收入造成致命打击。包括脸书、谷歌在内的美国企业也纷纷声援,强调外国学生对美国创新发展和推动消费起到重要作用。 The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced on July 6 that international students at schools that had moved to online-only classes due to the coronavirus pandemic would have to leave the country if they were unable to transfer to a college with at least some in-person instruction. The uncertainty produced by the policy changes risks jeopardizing the huge economic benefits international students – the Institute of International Education said there were 1.1 million in the country in the 2018-2019 academic year – bring to the United States. 疫情再度恶化!美国或将接近“历史最不稳定时期” 过去两周,美国疫情进一步恶化,超过40个州的确诊病例数持续走高,死亡率更数次达到峰值。美国多个州的经济重启计划被迫按下“暂停键”,疫情严重的州相继提高防控级别,并对绝大部分的商业活动都采取了限制性措施。 多名健康专家对美国疫情现状表示担忧,并警告称如果美国继续沿着目前的道路前进,那将是“美国历史上最不稳定的时期之一”。 疫情的反弹也打乱了不少学校规划秋季课程安排的计划,更不惜与美国总统特朗普“相背而行”。 加州两个最大公立学区圣迭戈和洛杉矶学区在13日发表的联合声明中,直言近段时间加州感染率飙升已表明“疫情尚未得到控制”,而美国防疫的公共卫生指导“含糊且矛盾”,为了降低病毒传播风险,学区将在秋季继续开展线上教学。 The Trump administration has insisted that every school must reopen in the fall while some school districts have announced plans to reopen for students who want to attend in-person class. Others will only offer online instruction or a mix of classroom and remote learning. Still others have yet to decide what to do with classes due to resume in August or September. 推荐阅读: